Ephemeris 2024
Astrological Ephemeris
for the entire year 2024
Effemeridi 2024
The table at the bottom of the page shows the astrological ephemeris for the entire year 2024, if you prefer to have the situation month by month you can select the month that interests you in the box on the left. In addition to the table with the ephemeris of the month you will also find other information such as the retrograde motions, the stopping rings and the sign shifts of the different planets in the selected month.
For a list of all transits and retrograde motions throughout the year, consult The Astrological Planets in 2024 and for an analysis of the astral dynamics that will influence the horoscope see our Astrological Guide to 2024.
For those who are not familiar with the ephemeris tables, we provide some reading instructions relating to the annual table but also applicable to the monthly tables. Each row represents a day of the year, or month, and is made up of ten cells with the positions of the ten astrological planets present in the column headers: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
The position of the planet is represented by an acronym that indicates the zodiac sign where the planet is located that day, according to the legend on the right, and two numbers that report more precisely which degree of the sign it occupies and how many arcminutes.
Returning to the annual ephemeris table below, you can notice that it is made up of 366 rows, one for each day of this year 2024, which as we know is a leap year. There are 10 columns, in addition to the day column, one for each planet and at the intersection of a day-row with a planet-column you can read the exact position of that planet on that day.
For example, the acronym 2Sg37 which can be read in the first line under the Venus column means that at the beginning of 2024, at the exact moment of New Year's Eve, Venus is in Sagittarius at 2 degrees and 37 minutes. All positions are in fact referred to the initial time of the day according to Coordinated Universal Time (00:00 UTC).
Similarly, to give another example, the acronym 5Ta35 under the column of Jupiter means that at the beginning of 2024 Jupiter is in Taurus (Taurus) at 5 degrees and 35 minutes.
Each row therefore shows the positions of all the planets on a certain day, and on the other hand each column shows the positions of a certain planet on all days of the year. Therefore, it will be enough to look down the column of a planet from top to bottom to immediately get an overview of what its movements will be during 2024.
Ar: Aries
Ta: Taurus
Ge: Gemini
Cn: Cancer
Le: Leo
Vi: Virgo
Li: Libra
Sc: Scorpio
Sg: Sagittarius
Cp: Capricorn
Aq: Aquarius
Pi: Pisces
With a little getting used to the acronyms it will be easy to grasp the direction of motion, see if and when a planet moves with direct or retrograde motion. For example, we immediately notice that Mars opens the year in direct motion, in fact the acronym in its first line is 27Sg19, which as we have seen places the planet in Sagittarius in the degree 27 and 19 arcminutes and the acronym immediately below, referring to the following day, January 2, 2024, it is 28Sg3, i.e. Sagittarius at 28 degrees and 3 minutes. During the first day of 2024 Mars therefore moved from degree 27 to degree 28, and this assures us that it moved forward, i.e. with direct motion.
If we now look down the column of Mars from top to bottom we notice that the degrees always increase progressively up to the 30th, which indicates the transition to the next sign, then they reset to zero and start growing again until the new move of sign. This trend corresponds to the direct motion and if we continue to scroll the column of Mars downwards we will notice that it maintains it until day 342 of 2024 (December 7), when the planet slows down until it stops and instead of passing from degree 6 to degree 7 of Leo, returns instead to degree 5, and then to degree 4 and so on in a retrograde phase that will bring it back to the sign of Cancer in the first days of 2025.
For greater detail on retrograde motions and the exact dates of the stationary points, i.e. the points at which the planets slow down to a stop before reversing the direction of travel, we recommend consulting the monthly ephemeris by clicking on the list above. In the same ephemeris of the month you will also find other more in-depth information on the motions of the planets in the specific month, such as sign shifts and details of transits
For an even more immediate and intuitive overview of the ephemeris of 2024, like any other year, we also make available our exclusive Animated ephemeris for 300 years where you can admire the motion of the planets in the zodiac circle live. And if you also want to know your lucky days based on the transits on your Christmas chart, try our Spin Transits.
Ephemeris of the year 2024