For the ephemeris of the other months consult the Astrological ephemeris of 2024
Ephemeris December 2024
Planets in Retrograde Motion
Jupiter and Uranus retrograde for the entire month of December 2024.
Mars retrograde starting December 7th for the entire month and beyond until the end of February 2025.
Neptune closes its retrograde phase on December 8, 2024, when it reverses direction to resume its normal direct motion.
Mercury returns to direct motion on December 16, 2024.
Stable planets in the same zodiac sign throughout the month
Pluto in Aquarius begins its twenty-year transit through the sign by exploring the first degree.
Neptune in Pisces slowly oscillates from retrograde to direct motion without moving from the 27th degree of the sign.
Uranus in Taurus moves from the 24th to the 23rd degree.
Saturn in Pisces advances from the 12th to the 14th.
Jupiter in Gemini moves back in the sign from the 16th to the 13th.
Mars in Leo: after reversing the direction of travel, it retraces the first degrees of the sign backwards, waiting to return to Cancer in the first week of 2025.
Mercury in Sagittarius in a resting ring: it opens the month in retrograde motion but closes the year in direct motion.
Planets that change zodiac signs during the month
Venus in Capricorn until December 7th and then in Aquarius where 2024 will close.