For the ephemeris of the other months consult the Astrological ephemeris of 2024

Ephemeris August 2024

Planets in Retrograde Motion

Saturn, Neptune and Pluto retrograde for the entire month of August 2024.

Mercury retrograde from August 5 to 29.

Stable planets in the same zodiac sign throughout the month

Pluto in Aquarius retraces the first degree of the sign, ready to return to Capricorn in the first days of next month.

Neptune in Pisces slowly retraces its steps, always remaining in the 29th of the sign.

Uranus in Taurus proceeds from the 26th to the 27th degree.

Saturn in Pisces retreats from the 18th to the 16th degree of the sign.

Jupiter in Gemini advances from the 14th to the 18th.

Mars in Gemini transits the central degrees of the sign from the 7th to the 27th.

Planets that change zodiac signs during the month

Venus in Leo in the first five days of August, then in Virgo from the 6th to the 29th to close the month in Libra in the last two days.

Mercury in Virgo until August 14, 2023, when it returns to Leo in retrograde motion, where it transits from August 15 to 31.

Astrological ephemeris August 2024

Astrological Ephemeris August 2024