Pisces Horoscope 2024

Zodiac symbol of Pisces

Transits of 2024

Favorable for those born in Pisces

Saturn in the sign for the whole of 2024;

Jupiter in good aspect until May;

Mars in your sign in April;

Less favorable

Jupiter sideways in Gemini from June to the end of the year;

Venus in the opposite sign of Virgo in August;

Singles will find spring to be the best time to make intriguing encounters, but you will have to hurry to consolidate the relationships that arise because Jupiter, which smiles at you from the sign of Taurus in the first months of the year, moves to the sign of Gemini from the end of May turning if not completely backwards, at least three-quarters.

The most fertile periods for a sentimental awakening of those who by now had almost lost even hope will coincide with the transits of Venus in your sign from 11 March to 5 April and then in the sign of Taurus from 29 April to 23 May, where the planet of love will unite its benevolence with that of Jupiter. A particularly happy conjunction of planets which in the first three weeks of May could give you a special meeting capable of brightening up your love life again.